In this extraordinary season of blessing and gratitude, I would like to take a moment to thank you, my friends, for making Lessons From Living possible.
This is a ministry and mission of love. Still, without a community that inspires the subject matter and provides great tips about potential interviewees with inspiring stories to share, there would be no content. Without listeners, this project would be meaningless. We would be unmotivated to do the work without your input and commentary. YOU are the driver and purpose behind every action we take at Lessons From Living—and from the bottom of our hearts, we are grateful for YOU.
Dacher Keltner has actually written the book on awe, cataloging the experiences that most commonly produce awe in humans. You would think that those things would include vast beauty and scenes that make us feel small—the Grand Canyon, for example. And they do. But you may be surprised to learn that the number one category reported as producing awe is moral beauty—everyday acts of kindness, giving, compassion, and connection. We seek to share these kinds of stories here at Lessons From Living. You can help us locate the individuals having these stories to share—they are important and awe-inspiring because witnessing such positive actions makes us feel personally capable of more and better. The inspiration of another’s example motivates us to create change in our own lives, all for God’s glory.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season with those you love.