A Prayer for Patriotism

A Prayer for Patriotism

I recently had the privilege and great joy of meeting a young man from the Philippines. I knew very little about his country; only that it is still considered a developing country.  I have since learned that according to 2021 statistics, nearly 25% of the population...
MLK: Wisdom for Today

MLK: Wisdom for Today

In this time of turmoil in the United States, I find myself wishing that a fellow like Martin Luther King was still with us.  How we need his wisdom today! While we remember him as an advocate of healthy race relationships, I think his words speak to today’s...
Easy Tips for Surviving Quarantine with Kids

Easy Tips for Surviving Quarantine with Kids

I don’t know about you, but when the helpful “Surviving Quarantine” tips I read make me feel like quarantine is one more way I’m failing my children, they are far from helpful. Is this one-woman shop really supposed to replace school, music lessons, dance rehearsals...
10 Benefits of a Pandemic

10 Benefits of a Pandemic

In a recent conversation with my daughter, I postulated that there might be benefits to this virus, Covid-19.  She nearly whispered, “I do not dare speak those words—but I think I agree.”  I am going to speak those words, friends.  And I preface the following by...

Ignoring Differences

On my way to the airport in Ft. Lauderdale, I had to exit the interstate to gas up my rental car before turning it in.  I wasn’t thinking about where I was, or even what it looked like; I just needed a gas station. I was getting ready to fill up the car when...
When Lightning Strikes

When Lightning Strikes

This morning, I was approached by a man outside of a McDonald’s who said he had seen me in the store, and was prompted by the Holy Spirit to give me a message.  The message was “You are going to be fine.”  For someone still recovering from...