Callan Kreidel, Beautiful Survivor!

Callan Kreidel, Beautiful Survivor!

Three weeks before graduating college, Callan was diagnosed with a form of lymphoma, requiring six months of brutal chemotherapy.  At twenty-three, she is a writer, artist, and tough-as-nails survivor.  Hear what kept her going, and why she proclaims one...

Joey Lankford: All In For God

Joey Lankford, of Cul2vate, a program dedicated to growing food and growing people, offers us a picture of what a life committed to God’s vision looks like–are you hearing the call?   And what are you willing to give up to follow God’s heart for your...
Young Man, Will Reynolds, Offers Kidney to Friend

Young Man, Will Reynolds, Offers Kidney to Friend

Twenty-three year old Will Reynolds talks about his decision to be tested as a potential donor match in order to give friend, Ben Rankin, a kidney.  We discuss the process, his family, and what motivated him to go forward. [libsyn_podcast id=6308326]

Selflessness in Today’s World

What does selflessness look like in today’s world?  We share a remarkable tale of heroism, and and ponder what motivates the selfless. How do you raise children who are selfless?  Is there a connection between suffering and selflessness? [libsyn_podcast...