Created for Connection

Created for Connection

Loneliness is more than an emotion—it takes a real toll on our minds, bodies, and spirits. In Created for Connection, we dive into the power of community, why God calls us to connection, and how meaningful relationships can change lives. Some attempts at community...

From Suffering to Sobriety

From Suffering to Sobriety

From losing jobs, friends, and family to being triggered by an early sexual assault, Brittany Young knows what it's like to suffer.  She spent a large chunk of her life living the unsustainable and dysfunctional life of an alcoholic.  The good news is that Brittany...

Talking With God

Talking With God

Angee Robertson knows a thing or two about communicating with God.  Having navigated some difficult trials during her life, including infertility and her husband's illness, she has become acutely aware of God's desire to interact with and support her.  To that end,...

Healing From Leadership Injury

Healing From Leadership Injury

Have you ever suffered a psychological wound from someone in authority in your life?  Sometimes we allow these events to affect us far into the future, impacting our potential success.  Dr. April Minatrea says it doesn't have to be so: we can make a different decision...

Sharpen Your Priorities

Sharpen Your Priorities

Beth shares an unusual way to center oneself and focus on what is most important in life.  Do you have a difficult time discerning what is important?  This method which happens to be a "natural" part of Beth's life allows one to zero in with clarity on your most...

Taking a Life U-Turn

Taking a Life U-Turn

Faced with an exorbitant, self-accumulated debt, Isabel Varela made the brave decision to address her problem head-on.  Her story is one of addiction fueled by painful negative self-image.  The resulting life change required spiritual and secular work, along with an...

join us to be enlightened and inspired by ordinary folks who model how to best live lives of significance

Headed Toward Heaven

Headed Toward Heaven

What's it like to walk with someone who is dying?  And what lessons can we learn from this experience of witnessing someone passing from this world into the next? ...

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Growing a Family Through Fostering

Growing a Family Through Fostering

When Jessica Spencer, her husband, and birth son decided to dip their toes into the waters of fostering children, they had no way to know that within days their little family would morph from 3 to 7!  This is Jessica's story of the often meandering process fostering...

Surviving Infidelity

Surviving Infidelity

If you have ever wondered whether your spouse has been unfaithful, or even had that fear confirmed, this episode about surviving infidelity is for you.  Our guest, Kate Conwell, shares her journey from discovering her husband's infidelity to moving beyond this trauma...

Journey to Freedom

Journey to Freedom

What does one do when faced with the worst kind of choices?  Alvaro Rivas literally found himself with a gun to his head, when the Nicaraguan government claimed he was a spy because of his work with American ministries.  He knew that he risked imprisonment or death if...

When a “Nobody” Says YES!

When a “Nobody” Says YES!

Self-described "nobody," Barbara Demorest, describes how a personal encounter with cancer inspired her to find a solution for a common problem facing breast cancer victims.  She said "Yes," when many others may have taken a pass.  We talk about walking through open...

Justice in the Hands of the Ordinary

Justice in the Hands of the Ordinary

David Zach is the lead singer and songwriter of Remedy Drive, a rock band.  He also is an undercover operative for an anti-sex trafficking organization, the Exodus Road.  David talks about how this association came to be, how his past prepared him for this work, and...

Year in Review

Year in Review

Beth looks back over the year of inspiring episodes we have shared, explaining why one in particular holds a special place in her heart.  She gives an update on the Graham Fam, and forecasts what's in the future for Lessons From Living.  There's a special podcasting...