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Merry Christmas Thank You
In this extraordinary season of blessing and gratitude, I would like to take a moment to thank you, my friends, for making Lessons From Living possible. This is a ministry and mission of love. Still, without a community that inspires the subject matter and provides...

To Unity!
I am captivated by the picture of the early church in Rodney Stark’s The Rise of Christianity: “Christianity attracted people from all strata of society, but particularly from among the poor and marginalized. In the Christian community, ethnic divisions were...

Addressing Apathy in an Election Year
A friend recently told me that she had not voted in 12 years. She said the political process was repulsive to her, and it made her feel lousy to be a part of it. I certainly sympathize with this sentiment; as enlightened as our country is in some ways, the political...

A Prayer for Patriotism
I recently had the privilege and great joy of meeting a young man from the Philippines. I knew very little about his country; only that it is still considered a developing country. I have since learned that according to 2021 statistics, nearly 25% of the population...

MLK: Wisdom for Today
In this time of turmoil in the United States, I find myself wishing that a fellow like Martin Luther King was still with us. How we need his wisdom today! While we remember him as an advocate of healthy race relationships, I think his words speak to today’s...

Journey to Freedom
What does one do when faced with the worst kind of choices? Alvaro Rivas literally found himself with a gun to his head, when the Nicaraguan government claimed he was...
Hope in Healing
Heather Hutchison has lived her entire life with a disability, as well as anxiety, depression and suicidal inclinations. After a close call which nearly cost Heather her life, she received the help she desperately needed, and did the hard work to reach a place...
The Power of Purpose
Why is it important to figure out your purpose, and pursue it with intentionality? Terry Tucker, who has been living with a rare form of cancer for ten years, and enduring all that is required to stay alive, knows quite a bit about the power of purpose. We talk...
Capturing Thoughts
Life coach Robyn Moore describes the process of taking captive your thoughts, and therefore taking back your life from forces that seek to control you. This is scriptural, described in 2 Corinthians 10:5 as "taking captive every thought to make it obedient to...
Lasting Legacy
Ken Wimberly has earned much wisdom over the years, finding success in both business and family life. He shares tidbits about relationship-building, connecting others, finding purpose, manifesting a goal, daily rhythms, being people of action, living with intention,...
Overcoming Overwhelm
As a young nurse practitioner, balancing family and career life, Lauren Duroy found herself with a whole lot of stress and feelings of overwhelm, and few solutions. She decided to change that, and now shares her time hacks, memory methods and foundation of faith...
Loving Our Earth
Cathy Nesbitt is here to share about vermiculture composting: her vision of ridding our earth of garbage, in exchange for rich humus we can use in our gardening. What might surprise you is that Cathy has much wisdom about all areas of life, from discerning divine...