Headed Toward Heaven

Headed Toward Heaven

What's it like to walk with someone who is dying?  And what lessons can we learn from this experience of witnessing someone passing from this world into the next?  Enjoy an interview with an extraordinary doctor, Reggie Anderson, as he shares these truths with us.  We...

Growing a Family Through Fostering

Growing a Family Through Fostering

When Jessica Spencer, her husband, and birth son decided to dip their toes into the waters of fostering children, they had no way to know that within days their little family would morph from 3 to 7!  This is Jessica's story of the often meandering process fostering...

Surviving Infidelity

Surviving Infidelity

If you have ever wondered whether your spouse has been unfaithful, or even had that fear confirmed, this episode about surviving infidelity is for you.  Our guest, Kate Conwell, shares her journey from discovering her husband's infidelity to moving beyond this trauma...

Journey to Freedom

Journey to Freedom

What does one do when faced with the worst kind of choices?  Alvaro Rivas literally found himself with a gun to his head, when the Nicaraguan government claimed he was a spy because of his work with American ministries.  He knew that he risked imprisonment or death if...

When a “Nobody” Says YES!

When a “Nobody” Says YES!

Self-described "nobody," Barbara Demorest, describes how a personal encounter with cancer inspired her to find a solution for a common problem facing breast cancer victims.  She said "Yes," when many others may have taken a pass.  We talk about walking through open...

Justice in the Hands of the Ordinary

Justice in the Hands of the Ordinary

David Zach is the lead singer and songwriter of Remedy Drive, a rock band.  He also is an undercover operative for an anti-sex trafficking organization, the Exodus Road.  David talks about how this association came to be, how his past prepared him for this work, and...

join us to be enlightened and inspired by ordinary folks who model how to best live lives of significance

Surviving Infidelity

Surviving Infidelity

If you have ever wondered whether your spouse has been unfaithful, or even had that fear confirmed, this episode about surviving infidelity is for you.  Our guest, Kate...

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Book Review: The Last Arrow

Book Review: The Last Arrow

Erwin Raphael McManus offers a thought-provoking, motivating treatise in The Last Arrow, published in 2017.  In this episode, Beth discusses some of McManus' themes, such as what is represented by arrows, why we tend to hold back from pursuing our most important...

When Life Throws a Curveball

When Life Throws a Curveball

Dennis Mellen knew from the age of ten that he wanted to be a pilot, and set the entire trajectory of his life toward that goal.  At fifty-six, he had enjoyed his dream career for more than 30 years when tragedy struck, and his well-planned life was...

A Vision of Mission

A Vision of Mission

Elijah Stacy has arguably accomplished more in his twenty years than most people do in a lifetime.  His mission, "to minimize human suffering and propel human prosperity so that humanity can have a better quality of life," directs all of his actions.  What motivates a...

The Adventuresome Life

The Adventuresome Life

If you are feeling kind of ho-hum about your life right now, this episode is for you!  Shawn Anderson shows us how to add adventure into our lives, and he would know: he has walked across eight countries and biked across America coast to coast twice!  We'll learn how...

Patchwork of Possibilities

Patchwork of Possibilities

Perhaps you know a senior who is lacking purpose, or not feeling fulfilled.  Perhaps you ARE that senior!  It’s time to find another way of living, and author Sharon Rolphe is here to share her secrets.  Sharon is a stunning 74-year-old, but her wisdom...

Pathway to Peace

Pathway to Peace

Do you experience any conflict in your relationships?  Are all of your conversations peaceful and productive?  Did you think that strife and struggle was just a part of any human relationship?  Well, maybe not!  Doug Noll, author of DeEscalate: How to Calm an Angry...