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Addressing Apathy in an Election Year
A friend recently told me that she had not voted in 12 years. She said the political process was repulsive to her, and it made her feel lousy to be a part of it. I certainly sympathize with this sentiment; as enlightened as our country is in some ways, the political...

A Prayer for Patriotism
I recently had the privilege and great joy of meeting a young man from the Philippines. I knew very little about his country; only that it is still considered a developing country. I have since learned that according to 2021 statistics, nearly 25% of the population...

MLK: Wisdom for Today
In this time of turmoil in the United States, I find myself wishing that a fellow like Martin Luther King was still with us. How we need his wisdom today! While we remember him as an advocate of healthy race relationships, I think his words speak to today’s...

Easy Tips for Surviving Quarantine with Kids
I don’t know about you, but when the helpful “Surviving Quarantine” tips I read make me feel like quarantine is one more way I’m failing my children, they are far from helpful. Is this one-woman shop really supposed to replace school, music lessons, dance rehearsals...

10 Benefits of a Pandemic
In a recent conversation with my daughter, I postulated that there might be benefits to this virus, Covid-19. She nearly whispered, “I do not dare speak those words—but I think I agree.” I am going to speak those words, friends. And I preface the following by...

Justice in the Hands of the Ordinary
David Zach is the lead singer and songwriter of Remedy Drive, a rock band. He also is an undercover operative for an anti-sex trafficking organization, the Exodus...
Great Expectations
As we begin a new year, Beth refuses to allow those negative things plaguing our country--censorship, selected curation and dissemination of information, and calls to "lower our expectations" to define our America. She challenges her audience to not fall into...
Beyond Betrayal
A child grows up thinking the life she leads, in which she is abused nearly daily, and used as a commodity by those she trusts, is the way everyone lives. Around 200,000 children are exploited by sex traffickers in the United States annually, and nearly 50% of...
As Friends and Allies: The Afghanistan Exit
Jeff Le knows something about Afghanistan, having worked and served there, alongside Afghani friends and allies. We discuss the withdrawal, the peril his friends remain in, the future of Afghanistan, and refugee life, seen through the eyes of a man whose family exited...
Loving One Another
In this highly charged political climate, it has become more difficult than ever before to seek out common ground. Beth discusses our charge as followers of Jesus, or simply someone seeking peace, and offers a way forward in our quest to love our neighbors.
For Karen
As we near the anniversary of the tragic event that resulted in the death of Karen Stover Graham, Beth remembers her sister-in-love, and shares what lessons from living Karen taught all who were blessed to know and love her.
Living Life as Missionaries
Josh and Meagan Smith share their journey as missionaries to India, adoptive parents, and committed followers of Jesus Christ. We talk about hearing the Holy Spirit's whispers, ministering as a family, and hope for the future. Bridgetown Audio Podcast - Session...