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To Unity!
I am captivated by the picture of the early church in Rodney Stark’s The Rise of Christianity: “Christianity attracted people from all strata of society, but particularly from among the poor and marginalized. In the Christian community, ethnic divisions were...

Addressing Apathy in an Election Year
A friend recently told me that she had not voted in 12 years. She said the political process was repulsive to her, and it made her feel lousy to be a part of it. I certainly sympathize with this sentiment; as enlightened as our country is in some ways, the political...

A Prayer for Patriotism
I recently had the privilege and great joy of meeting a young man from the Philippines. I knew very little about his country; only that it is still considered a developing country. I have since learned that according to 2021 statistics, nearly 25% of the population...

MLK: Wisdom for Today
In this time of turmoil in the United States, I find myself wishing that a fellow like Martin Luther King was still with us. How we need his wisdom today! While we remember him as an advocate of healthy race relationships, I think his words speak to today’s...

Easy Tips for Surviving Quarantine with Kids
I don’t know about you, but when the helpful “Surviving Quarantine” tips I read make me feel like quarantine is one more way I’m failing my children, they are far from helpful. Is this one-woman shop really supposed to replace school, music lessons, dance rehearsals...

When a “Nobody” Says YES!
Self-described "nobody," Barbara Demorest, describes how a personal encounter with cancer inspired her to find a solution for a common problem facing breast cancer...
Growing Through Grief
Author Emily Thiroux Threatt intimately knows the subject she shares, having lost two husbands, and many other family members besides. But you don't have to have suffered a loss by death to have suffered loss, as Emily explains: we have all experienced loss in our...
Divine Intervention
Author Marni Foderaro discusses how God intervenes in one's life--as a woman who was raised as an atheist, but came to belief in God as a young child, from simply witnessing God's hand in her own life. Today, she believes there are no coincidences, but only...
Relational Realities
Having experienced significant trauma as a young person, Mr. Jay The Relationship Coach knows how to deal with adversity and triumph. He also recognizes the dangers a damaged psyche can pose in any relationship, and how a relationship can grow and be successful,...
Wrangling W.A.F.F.L.E.S. (and Finding Peace)
As a professor of mathematics, Katie Nall recognized that some of her students were incapable of being successful, simply because of the anxiety they associated with the subject. This began a journey that found Katie exploring and investigating different methods of...
Radical Recovery
From a young age, Jay Shifman's mental health issues were addressed medically, setting him up for a spiral into addiction, multiple suicide attempts and overdose. But the story doesn't end there. Jay courageously advocated for his own recovery, and lived to tell the...
Gift of Love
Inspired by her niece's compassionate response to children living with cancer, Sheila Duncan brought to life an imperfect, playful dog character named "Trouble." Today, Trouble is the star of three children's books, as well as a plush toy which has made its way into...